Online Literary Journal:
I'm not too familiar with Literary Journals so I had to do some exploring. It was interesting to see that a lot of online journals are cluttered. I liked Archipelago site the best. I thought it was extremely clean. I loved the typography used as well as the colors and organization. The organization of the site impressed me the most. The information is far from overwhelming and intimidating. Once you click on an article you're taken the page and it appears as a magazine article would appear. The copy is clear and very easy to read. I think one of the biggest issues an online journal is faced with is how to make the information appear as legible and readable as a hard copy.
Being completely honest there isn't anything I don't like about the site.
Hypertext Narrative:
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a hypertext narrative but I thought this was cool despite its brevity. Its called Carrie, and there isn't much to it at all. It actually seems incomplete but the concept is really good. What I like about it is the the photo switch. Dragging the arrow over to reveal stages of this furnace is a great idea. The site definitely needs meat but I like the concept.
I definitely think this site fits the hypertext narrative description but it's kinda all over the place. It's called, Fright Bytes and I think it's geared toward youth. The graphics are horrible! As a designer, the site is annoying for me to be on. I don't know what's worst the sound effects or the cluttered background. I do like that there's a variety of stories to choose from. It is very interacting and entertaining if you can stand the clutter.
Interesting Online Project:
While I was searching the web for a hypertext site I found the Curfew Game. I think this site is awesome for several reasons. First, it's a call to action. Anytime you can entertain, involve, and ask your audience to do something you've conquered a huge challenge in the advocacy world. Second, the site is well designed and organized. Third, it's fun! I think a project like this would be a great collaboration amongst the UB Arts and Sciences disciplines. From creative writing to the integrated arts programs. I do think the site could use more instruction for users but I think it would be fun to produce.
Terrible Writer's Site:
Alice Walker's site is horrible and very unexpected. It is extremely amateur and screams "my friend, relative, or neighbor did my site for free." Considering her talent and reputation I definitely expected a refined site. The red background is extremely distracting. The navigation is too small and the electric blue color is hard on the eyes. The pages are unorganized and the type is too small to read especially against the red. The photos and videos are outdated and should also be organized. The site is just bad, bad, bad. Her blog looks better but she needs an online makeover.
I love the fact that you address design issues. Those are the things I need to learn more about. I do like the first page of Archipelago; it's uncluttered and has a nice graphic. Also, Alice Walker's site has too much light text on dark backgrounds for these tired eyes. It's too hard to read!