Saturday, October 23, 2010
Video Idea
I'm struggling figuring out what I want to do. I'm thinking I want to do something fun and relative to my family. I have a few family activities taking place this weekend so my video uploads will contain family time. I'm so quick to change my mind so this may definitely change.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Desperate Woman!
So let's talk about it. Where do I start? I had a phone a conversation with a dear friend of mine with whom I often exchange theories. He told me (of course it's a man) that women are the problem. Yup we're the problem. According to his theory men in high school/college court their women "better" because women demand it "better." According to him, we're hot sh!t in our early years and we're in control of the dating game. We create rules such as; he has to drive at least a _____ type of car, he has to take me out at least ___x a week, and he has to "dress" like _____. And since men are so hormonal at that age they do whatever they have to do to make it happen. So think back to your college days. Did the guy with the nice car have the girls? Did the guy who dressed the best have the girls? Did the guy participating in "pharmaceutical sales" have the girls? If you answered yes, than my friend's theory has some validity.
So fast forward to today, do still have those same standards? Instead of a type of car...he should just have transportation. Instead of taking you out...we can watch an OnDemand movie and eat leftovers? Instead dressing a particular way...please wear clean clothes without holes. Some of these maybe extreme or not? If we're constantly lowering our demand the supply will also lower. When you're getting to know someone a date should not be at a house! If you took your time to look your best, you should demand that he also look his best. If you're working hard, you should demand a partner that works hard. Don't let age turn to desperation!
So fast forward to today, do still have those same standards? Instead of a type of car...he should just have transportation. Instead of taking you out...we can watch an OnDemand movie and eat leftovers? Instead dressing a particular way...please wear clean clothes without holes. Some of these maybe extreme or not? If we're constantly lowering our demand the supply will also lower. When you're getting to know someone a date should not be at a house! If you took your time to look your best, you should demand that he also look his best. If you're working hard, you should demand a partner that works hard. Don't let age turn to desperation!
Feeling a little old!
So just when I was about to get all over this song and the direction of today's music. I realized that the singer is Willow Smith, child of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith. She was born in...wait for it...2000!&(*#)(@! What is up with that? She's 10! So because she's only 10 it makes the song cute and not as stupid as I originally thought.
I do think she's a little grown for 10. I don't have any children but as I researched the song, to slam it, I saw pictures of her and that's a lot going on for a ten year old. My niece is 9, she's very expressive, but she still appears to be 9. This child here appears to be at least 14/15, and as a child, 4 years is a big difference.
I'm a little discombobulated over this one soooo I'm done!
I do think she's a little grown for 10. I don't have any children but as I researched the song, to slam it, I saw pictures of her and that's a lot going on for a ten year old. My niece is 9, she's very expressive, but she still appears to be 9. This child here appears to be at least 14/15, and as a child, 4 years is a big difference.
I'm a little discombobulated over this one soooo I'm done!
Football Football Football
So yesterday we (RAVENS) took a "L" and I have a few a comments about how we got that "L"...surprise surprise surprise.Well first of all I wasn't too surprised that we lost. No that doesn't mean that I'm one of those "Brady is the best" or "NE is untouchable" fans. But I do consider mental and emotional factors when it comes to football.
Factor 1: NE was home
Factor 2: NE needed to vindicate from that playoff game
Factor 3: Brady was quite annoyed with Lewis' referee comments
Factor 4: NE was just coming off a Bye
Now back to the Ravens. I wasn't happy with our defense or offense but we're going to concentrate on the offense today. I like Flacco. I don't think he's a great QB but he does have potential. My issue with the offense comes from the lack of confidence. I still can't wrap my head around the decision to punt the ball with 4th and inches??? If that doesn't send a negative message to your offensive line than what does...oh wait I have an answer...punting at 4th and one! Give me a break. Flacco isn't Peyton Manning but he also isn't Kyle Boller. Are you telling me that at 6'6" Flacco couldn't put in a QB sneak for a first down. Did NE defense scare us? Another problem I have, which shows lack of confidence, and this lies with Flacco and the coaching and that's independence.
It is clear that Flacco only does what he's more, no less. If the play calls to pass to Boldin than he passes to Boldin regardless of who is in a better position. Flacco needs to know where his receivers are and not just the receiver who is expected in the play. He is spending too much waiting for the receiver to become open and not surveying the field. He's holding the ball too much which is causing him to just toss the ball to Rice whose not able to pick up enough yards in the time allotted.
We need to use our weapons: Yesterday we heard T.J. once and McGahee never...this shouldn't happen. Our offense is becoming predictable. We have a fantastic offensive roster that we need to take advantage of. Flacco connects with one receiver and sticks with it. Although Branch was a former Patriot, Brady was able to use him as if he's been there all along.
Switch up the play: If I see one more toss to Rice as he runs for 3 yards I will scream. Can I get a pump fake, a screen pass...something beyond a toss.
There's no reason we shouldn't win against Buffalo but we can't take any team for granted. Let's go RAVENS!!!!
Factor 1: NE was home
Factor 2: NE needed to vindicate from that playoff game
Factor 3: Brady was quite annoyed with Lewis' referee comments
Factor 4: NE was just coming off a Bye
Now back to the Ravens. I wasn't happy with our defense or offense but we're going to concentrate on the offense today. I like Flacco. I don't think he's a great QB but he does have potential. My issue with the offense comes from the lack of confidence. I still can't wrap my head around the decision to punt the ball with 4th and inches??? If that doesn't send a negative message to your offensive line than what does...oh wait I have an answer...punting at 4th and one! Give me a break. Flacco isn't Peyton Manning but he also isn't Kyle Boller. Are you telling me that at 6'6" Flacco couldn't put in a QB sneak for a first down. Did NE defense scare us? Another problem I have, which shows lack of confidence, and this lies with Flacco and the coaching and that's independence.
It is clear that Flacco only does what he's more, no less. If the play calls to pass to Boldin than he passes to Boldin regardless of who is in a better position. Flacco needs to know where his receivers are and not just the receiver who is expected in the play. He is spending too much waiting for the receiver to become open and not surveying the field. He's holding the ball too much which is causing him to just toss the ball to Rice whose not able to pick up enough yards in the time allotted.
We need to use our weapons: Yesterday we heard T.J. once and McGahee never...this shouldn't happen. Our offense is becoming predictable. We have a fantastic offensive roster that we need to take advantage of. Flacco connects with one receiver and sticks with it. Although Branch was a former Patriot, Brady was able to use him as if he's been there all along.
Switch up the play: If I see one more toss to Rice as he runs for 3 yards I will scream. Can I get a pump fake, a screen pass...something beyond a toss.
There's no reason we shouldn't win against Buffalo but we can't take any team for granted. Let's go RAVENS!!!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
For the "Plump" Woman Only - This page will self-destruct of all others!
I'm Fabulously Plump! I did a little shopping this weekend. It's been a treat week for me. I checked out Baltimore's plus-size boutique, K Staton and picked me up a little dress number that will enhance my fabulously plump lifestyle. I also checked out the best shoe store in town, Poppy and Stella, for some hot pumps that I can walk in and that gives my calf that umph that only a good heel can do for a calf. I have my bad days, but even on a bad day there are things that you will never see:
- My belly - Why-o-why do women with "muffin tops" or better yet "bundt cakes" choose to buy short shirts with their belly hanging out?
- My roll - By default, you know that I have a roll but I don't feature it. If you have a roll please do not outline it by wearing your jeans underneath your stomach, tucking your shirt in, and then top it off by wearing a belt. Use your jeans as a control mechanism and tuck in your gut, not your shirt.
- My ass - Low-rise jeans are NOT for everyone. Plump women need to know what works and what doesn't work. Just because your jeans made it pass your thighs it does not mean that they fit. If you sit down and feel air at your crack, your jeans are too small.

- My breast - You may catch me with a little cleavage showing, but my goodness, everything except for the nipple is blinding. If your cleavage is exposed so much that you can use it as a cup holder that's a problem! If your cute, let your face be the highlight and not your breast.
Friday, October 8, 2010
If you want to know anything about me just read this post:
Don't ask me why but today I feel like doing a tell all on myself. For the most part I am what you see but like everyone else I have a deep dark secret life that today I'm going to share:
My confessions
My confessions
- I can't swim - The water scares me and when I'm in the water I feel like I don't have control of myself and I like to be in control.
- I can't ride a bike - Balancing myself on two wheels never appealed to me especially when considering the idea of falling.
- The best job I've ever had is the one I'm doing now. I love working for myself even though it can be a bit stressful.
- I miss selling Tastefully Simple even though I still have a cabinet full of goodies.
- I voted for Erhlich and would do it again if it wasn't for my sister.
- I want to be a contestant on Amazing Race.
- I have a favorite uncle.
- Fish and grits are my absolute favorite meal.
- I don't like chocolate cake.
- My car hasn't been washed in over a year.
- Because I work from home I usually don't shower until the afternoon.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Football and the Pety Rules!
Yesterday was a fantastic football day! The Ravens won!!! McNabb got a little Philly revenge!!! and the Bengals lost to the Browns!!! Any given Sunday is right. The Bengals lost was huge even though we're tied for division leaders it was still a good reward. This season has been full of surprises so far. Even the mighty Peyton Manning has falling to 4-4. That 59 yard field goal will be in the record books for a long time.
I will admit watching football sometimes is so aggravating. I understand the rules are there to protect players but some calls are uncalled for. At what point are the rules interfering with playing the game? I go back to that dreaded Detroit Lions touchdown. The ball was an obvious touchdown but because he didn't keep the ball in his hand we he stood up the team lost the points. That whack ass rule is not protecting a player's health and it seems inconsistent.
Watching some of yesterday's highlights I saw T.O. walk into the endzone, lay the football at the goal line, and walk away. Is that not the same thing that Calvin Johnson did? He had clear possession of the ball he just left the ball on the ground instead of coming up with it. Even taking your helmet off lends for a penalty. I understand taking it off and throwing it down but give me a break.
Bring back the Mean Jo Green, Lawrence Taylor, and O.J. Simpson days of football playing!
I will admit watching football sometimes is so aggravating. I understand the rules are there to protect players but some calls are uncalled for. At what point are the rules interfering with playing the game? I go back to that dreaded Detroit Lions touchdown. The ball was an obvious touchdown but because he didn't keep the ball in his hand we he stood up the team lost the points. That whack ass rule is not protecting a player's health and it seems inconsistent.
Watching some of yesterday's highlights I saw T.O. walk into the endzone, lay the football at the goal line, and walk away. Is that not the same thing that Calvin Johnson did? He had clear possession of the ball he just left the ball on the ground instead of coming up with it. Even taking your helmet off lends for a penalty. I understand taking it off and throwing it down but give me a break.
Bring back the Mean Jo Green, Lawrence Taylor, and O.J. Simpson days of football playing!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I LOVE Baltimore!
Yup, that's right, I Love Baltimore!!!! Baltimore is charming! Baltimore is the city that reads! Good Day Baltimore!
I get so annoyed when people complain about Baltimore. Move! No one is forcing you to live here. This isn't a country, it's a city, a very small city. I like going out knowing that I'm going to know at least one other person there. I like finding jewels in the city like 36th St., Belvedere Square and Mt. Washington. Baltimore may not be diverse like D.C. or New York but so what. We're not trying to be any other city other than BALTIMORE! We have good restaurants, good shopping, and an okay nightlife. Since my clubbing days are long gone I could care less about the night life.
Baltimoreans are nice. We may look a little a mean at times but it's because we're thinking about something. If you speak to us, we'll speak back. If you ask for directions, we'll give them. Don't offend us and do not talk about our town.
I lived in Atlanta aka the Dirty South aka ATLGeorgia but it wasn't for me. It was nice, plenty to do, plenty people to see but it was just Atlanta. Once you leave Atlanta...crickets. Not in good ole Baltimore. We're the pearl in the Oyster. Our shell consist of NY, Philly, and D.C. all in driving distance. Their rough exterior protects our "Charm."
I get so annoyed when people complain about Baltimore. Move! No one is forcing you to live here. This isn't a country, it's a city, a very small city. I like going out knowing that I'm going to know at least one other person there. I like finding jewels in the city like 36th St., Belvedere Square and Mt. Washington. Baltimore may not be diverse like D.C. or New York but so what. We're not trying to be any other city other than BALTIMORE! We have good restaurants, good shopping, and an okay nightlife. Since my clubbing days are long gone I could care less about the night life.
Baltimoreans are nice. We may look a little a mean at times but it's because we're thinking about something. If you speak to us, we'll speak back. If you ask for directions, we'll give them. Don't offend us and do not talk about our town.
I lived in Atlanta aka the Dirty South aka ATLGeorgia but it wasn't for me. It was nice, plenty to do, plenty people to see but it was just Atlanta. Once you leave Atlanta...crickets. Not in good ole Baltimore. We're the pearl in the Oyster. Our shell consist of NY, Philly, and D.C. all in driving distance. Their rough exterior protects our "Charm."
All the Single Ladies
This is my favorite episode of Sex in the City! It's like the single woman's anthem to being completely single -- no kids, no husband! Often times I feel the pressures of being single...not in a bad whoa is me kinda way but in a "she can do it, it's only her." Working from home without a family automatically places me at the top of people's call list. I'm happy as a single woman and I'm happy for my relatives and friends who have the package.
Like the Carrie Bradshaw character, I now quantify my gift givings when those fluffy, overly decorated, pastel pieces of mail are spotted in my mailbox. They're automatic BILLS. Whatever you're getting invited and believe it requires a gift. Sometimes those gifts are public so if you're giving a crappy gift, everyone will know it.
That's when I go into my memory bank of gift giving and receiving. Please spare me the "you don't give to receive" look. You may not, but I do. The invitation get the wheels turning...did they come to my housewarming, what about the birthday party, did they at least purchase something from the tastefully simple catalog, how long has it been since we actually talked or hung out? The long lost "friend" is the worst type of invitation. If you haven't seen me in 10+ years please don't send me an invitation that will require me bringing you a gift. Most of the time after you've given that gift you lose contact with that person again. Let's meet for drinks, lunch, or something that will be an equal financial burden.
Of course there are always some exceptions to my rules. I am a very dedicated person. I keep relationships with people for a long time. I get overjoyed when I hear of my relatives and friends life accomplishments. When that happens budgets are broken, gas prices are ignored, and the past is the past!
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