Friday, October 8, 2010

If you want to know anything about me just read this post:

Don't ask me why but today I feel like doing a tell all on myself. For the most part I am what you see but like everyone else I have a deep dark secret life that today I'm going to share:

My confessions
  1. I can't swim - The water scares me and when I'm in the water I feel like I don't have control of myself and I like to be in control.
  2. I can't ride a bike - Balancing myself on two wheels never appealed to me especially when considering the idea of falling.
  3. The best job I've ever had is the one I'm doing now. I love working for myself even though it can be a bit stressful.
  4. I miss selling Tastefully Simple even though I still have a cabinet full of goodies.
  5. I voted for Erhlich and would do it again if it wasn't for my sister.
  6. I want to be a contestant on Amazing Race.
  7. I have a favorite uncle.
  8. Fish and grits are my absolute favorite meal.
  9. I don't like chocolate cake.
  10. My car hasn't been washed in over a year.
  11. Because I work from home I usually don't shower until the afternoon.
Well that's it. You know all about me. I can no longer hide behind my dark side. Don't judge me. 


  1. I thought I was the only adult in the civilized world who can't ride a bike!

  2. Nope's just you and

    Aww thanks Melba!
